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Kruzer Kamp: Mount Ophir (Day 2)

Reaching for my handphone when I first opened my eyes, I glanced at the time – 06:45 am. Strange. I don’t recall waking up so early without an alarm clock. Ever. I laid awake for a while before sitting up. It was quiet all around. No sound of laughter, chatter, or birds chirping. Just complete… Read more »

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Kruzer Kamp: Mount Ophir (Day 1)

Honestly, the only word that popped into my head when I recollect the days in Mount Ophir was: Ad.ven.ture (noun) : An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity. Taken from the inbuilt dictionary in my macbook. With roads filled with potholes and gravel, and being sandy at some stretches, the word ADVENTURE is truly… Read more »